Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Pany Talk Nurtrtion

Pansy here It is very impotent that we eat healthy to make us in the best shape we can be but you must also nip healthy. Nipping your fruirts is very impotent for good nip concmtion I take nipping very sesiously

Here i am nipping My appple yes Appples are a good nipping choice ,

Here i am demarcating proper bunny kicking of my Banna or i should say what left of my banna  Banna are a very healthy and my faviort toy to nip with I am also a great Nip teacher I have taught B a thing or toy about nip

Out of all are toys B pics the Banna good job maing heathy Nipping choices B 

So it is very importent to nip heathy and since are humans like us to be heathy instenst on catnip fruit



  1. THat is very good advice, but our favorite is a nip cigar. We know smoking is not good for your health, though!
