Saturday, June 14, 2014

rembering Mairgold

One year ago i knew i had to make the hardest choice ever to let mairgold go back to rose  I alway knew when i took the royals that it was my job to love them and then some day i would give them back to rose . Marigold was in my life for only 4 short mouths but when she got sick knowing that she would be reunited with Rose filled my heart with happens. Rose loved her more then words could say. She was crazy in love with her Royals.  One year ago I head Mairgold for the last time and told her to go find Rose,  Marigold you have left your paw prinrs on my heart I loved you only for a short time but i did love you.  I know some day i see you again and get to met Rose but intill that day comes snuggle tight with rose  ......

I never regretted taking the royals  Marigold was a speical cat  whom i was lucky to browor for a short time   What i was able to give her was peace and comfort  for that time so she did not die in a sheller and she went from the arms of someone who loved her to the arms of someone who loved her just as much ............ I


  1. Purrs to you on this sad-happy day.

  2. A piece of your heart will always be devoted to Marigold. <3

  3. I remember this very well. You have a heart of gold and little Marigold couldn;t have been in better hands than with you. I hope those memories of your short time together bring you some comfort
