Monday, May 18, 2015

One year Latter Pansy Rose

One year ago one princess ran away for 8 long day 7 long nights. I thought i had lost her and on day 7 was starting to lose hope that i ever see my catnip loving snugly pizza face again.

So it been a year in the making but what do you do when you pet goes missing one year latter a refection of it

1. Litter the place with flyer go 2 mile in all directions put it out at all pet store animal hospital and sheter - make a list of these place beucse once cat is found you have to back track 

***** to reward or not to place reward. I choce not to as lot of people are just after the money that is it. I offered the people who found pansy money but they would not take it so i gave it to charity in there names and they were more touched 

2.  On line is the next place - litter all the lost bords with your pets picuter 
 ***** be were of scams that come from this i still get a few calls every once and a while

3. Be pro active microchip  color and tags at all times  the collor and tags are what brought Pr home not the microchip / now pansy even has a gps finder

4. walk around calling the cats name I truly believe pansy only went one block on a main street because she herd me  if you have a special name or song you  call the cat uses it. I call pansy My little Pizza girl

5. Walk at dusk and dawn cats will hide when it light and come out at night  Pansy was found at night and she was spoted twice both at 3:00 am in the moring

6. Make a little bag of things your going to need on this walk about. Flash light, flyer , treets, blanket , cell phone

7. You can use pet amber alert. The best one is lost my do not use pet amber alert. this will cost you money and I not sure how i feel about it i got alot of angry phone calls from people who were mad at me one women even called the cops and told me she did not need a social worker and wished my cat had died . All because she got a phone call  - again setting your self up for scams so be wear while it dose let alot of pepole know in a short time your pet was lost

8.  Make you thow you cats things out in the area litter boxes are the best  they smell like them nothing like pee to say i live her 

9. Trap  lean how to do this countact local places and see if you can brow one if not you can get one for about 45 on amazon

10. Again this is conversational I used an amamal commutator not for every one but this gave me hope when i lost it. She was the real deal she told me things about PR that only Pr would have known. and after the frist time i saw her it was after she talked to her

11, Envision you pet home. This coast nothing and it never hurts i think they feel our energy even if were not right there with them


I sent a thank you to the wonderful pepole who got pansy home . I also sent a thank you doataion to the loacal cat place and sent them cards every once in a while with  a picuter of pansy


  1. I'm so glad Pansy made it home!

  2. I am so glad your baby came home. Excellent advice that I hope to never need.

  3. Yes, we also hope we never need your advice. But we are so very glad you've shared it.
    So happy your Pansy made it home too.
