Sunday, August 31, 2014

Pansy to the Ressuce

When B wine i have to take care of him that my job Proctice b when he wines for food i have to help wine too.  When he wines for attetion i have to give it to him.

When he wines for toys i let him play with a toy just one the rest are mine

So when Maxie was beating him up he started to wine, B said Maxie should just give up his spot to B and i think he might be right but Maxie was giving B a big wipping , So i had to get incoled and help B after all he was saying Pansy help me. I sorry Maxie but i had to help B thats my job

Pa could you send a fur purrss for B he going to the vet for his amatham he been coughing bad again. even on predizion  This means i have to get draged because I need to smell like B so i do not get agressive 

Friday, August 22, 2014

In I loving memory of Sparkle

We Have a sad.  Sparkle passed away.  Sparkle to us holds a very special  place in are heart  She was more then just your normal cat she aways made us laugh.

B i like to tell a few special sparkle story After LL died mama stoped bloging After all LL was relly the reson she bloged with out her she had no muse left Maxie is cute but LL was she was special in her very own  LL kind of way.

Mama Loves face book one of her face book she follow is Sparkle. Sparkle posted about Rose and trying to find homes. Mama went and looked at all the link and thought about it for awahile and then said it time to take in some gingers.  After B and marigold came Sprakle sent us a speical paw agrefted copy of her book as we loved it  but it got lost in the quick move. So today we rember a cat
who was fumy cute  talented and touched so meany hearts  Spakle you maybe gone from the world but you will always live on in the hearts of the meany you tocued

Friday, August 1, 2014

Some cat in the toy box .....

Pansy Here I have a problem you see i am a toyaholic  i do not like to share
then the unthinkably happen .............. Some cats in my toy Box

I am not a Happpy Pansy ,,, How dare they be in  My toy box mine 

It mine now Young pansy

 some time you just need to respect your elders  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and take a nap instead of fighting

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Maxie Got ya day 8=1- -14 writen ealry due to thing goin on in house

Maxie came into my life 6 years ago. I renumber the date When i frist adopted maxie we had an interesting  relationship I was still very much in morning over Mu shue , You see Mu shue was my sole cat . Not that i do not love all my cats But mu shue was the first.

Maxie could never filll mu shue shoses no matter how much i wanted him to and the frist year i had him i have admit i was not the best owner . Yes i loved him but i  found my self saying thing like i wish you were mu shue .

The truth was he could never be  Mu Shue and that would have to be okay. I think this is why after Margiold and Lilly lu died i waitred before bringing in other cats I need to make sure i was not going to do wha5 i did to Maxie to another cat.

Maxie grew very close to A she could always clam him down and she him

Maxie got very sick this was my worst night mear Maxie behavior at the vet was bad to say the least on his frist vist he attacked the vet  So when he got sick due to a deatal cleaning go wrong and he was not going to live i did not know what to do , I think if i look back on it this is when are realtionship grew stronger as i knew what i would do Love him spend time with him and kiss him just as i had done with so meny other cats

After LL died he was the cat who coforted me who wash away mey tears over her and spent six mouths as an only cat I was supized at how well he welcomed the Roylas and became best bro with B

I know he hate pansy I wish i could do somthing to take away his fear but that just somting he needs to work on.

So Babby Maxie my how we change i love you now and I love you forever I can say your not mu shue but your Maxie and thats all you need to be my little lion Club Max Max

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Starving on Sat Bad Mr Chwqy

Yes this is my hungey face. So this is a story of Mr chewy,
Our story begins a few weeks ago with Chewy we had auto ships but mama had deylaed it becuse we had enough noms and did not want too much noms is that even a words, So she called chewy to review hwe auto ships and get a few things extra this mouth that we do not need evey mouth. Very nice they went over it with a fine tooth comb and enshured mama her order was to be shipped out the next busssiss day and would be there  in a day or two max they siad one itim was back order that why they did not send it out but would send it out the next day and we get are noms, A dew days passed no noms i noms supply is getting pretty low and to get are noms localy mama has to go to a speical pet store over 39 mins away  So she made the trip and picked up a few noms  all they had of one flavior that all 3 of us love, to get buy till chewy  came though

a few days later some of are noms came but were poorly packed , Coquin smoothed boxes stincky  goodness opened treat opened and we were missing 8 of are faviorte noms, Well mama checked the web sight to see if it was still back order no, So she figered she get them in a day or two, So she let a few days go buy nothing, They said the order had dispreed form UPS and they send out more noms, they be here on Wed garteee wed went buy no sticky goodness the Thursday they said they sent a box out it should be here. But it was not she called fireday and said were my Noms they said ups has them they should be coming, UPS came with are box we opened it up waiting to see my faviote sticky goodness it was someone elses order  stuff mama would never let us eat huge box of wrong stufff with someone else order slip in the box and not even mams name. Mama called chewy again and said were are noms this is crazy I never had problems with you before why caa't you get my order right  they said that they sent the box but ups lost it again and they were sorry they do not ship over the weekend  and to doate the wrong stuff to a shelter,

We love to help other cat and we glad other cats will enjoy box ad boxes of   sticky goodness that is not stuff we like but we going to starbve of chewy watch  Mama order  over 600 worth of stuff from chewy and  now is done she said she rather drive then deal wiff them any more

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Toys for Tiseday - Pansy Rose

No I do i  have enough toys

No I do not want to share

Yes; You should order more

 Yes: I am spoiled

Yes I should be spoiled even more

any more question  ............ good now  Mom go and by me a new nip nana

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Man cat Monday in need of a Lawer ... B

The Noms around her have not been up to B sattfation there just is not enough of them I tryed everything  I slowly starving to death.  So I might or Might not have gone into the kitchen knocked over the trash can and spread the trash every were looking for nums ..

Here are the facts,,, Before the trash can was knocked over I was in the kicken looking for noms i opened the door but they were all in B proof contors I was still staveing with sevral hours left till din din Meowing had not helped  I had tried that for an hour

Then a Big bang was heard and  maam was doing sommthing and she fiely got to invagate that were i was spoted leaving the kickeing licking my lips but the trash wass all over the floor i mean all over  Mama said I am being charged with dectrion of property and leaving the sean of a ctime

She aske me how i plead i said Hungry ...........  she said that dose not count  I think i need some help here

Saturday, July 5, 2014

6 mouths of Pansy

six mouths ago  after 3  weeks of waiting a kitty cat came into my life. Pansy Rose, I had no idea what i was getting into the time it would take to adjust as she still is 6 mouths latter but i love her agressivenss and all she just wants to rule thats all it is she wants to b top cat

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Testing on Tuseday day

Pansy Sometime I bully my brother Maxie is sacrd of Little me he hids alot becuse i like to chace him a ton. Well we had a Major barake though in my bad behavior , Today Maxie went up  high in sted of running and mama started to play neco fly with me that was 1000 times better then playing chace the maxie, Then mama saw Maxie wanted down but would not go with me on the grond so we did clicker training.  This is  were the best non non come out on a click form the clicker and i sit and get nom nom today evven maxie joined in B learned this too becuse he like Nom as much as i do . Then maxie wanted to leave so mama keeped clicker Me and B and insted of chaceng maxie we got nom we all love nom mama was so happy she called this the big Pansy Rose test since i take meds to make my head less fussy and I can do all sorts of fun thing with a less fuzzzy brain Mama said Now that also means I am relly forever I already knew that part .............

Thursday, June 26, 2014

8 years ago - Happy 1st gota day mr B

Mr B has 2 gota days. We never want to forget Rose she was  crazy for B and Marigold and so we celbarte both is Gota day to his frist mama and is Gota day to Me , 8 years ago QM rose went to pick up a set a kitten form the nerwrk airport she reported a smile never left her face. Rose I know you look down so hold Marigold tight and I keeping B till the time come. We never forget your love for B as he was always and always will be you Big Red Texan

taken 8 years ago today with the baby Royals B and Marigold

Monday, June 23, 2014

Man cat Monday = Maxie

my faviorte thing to do is sleep in the window and dream of rehoming Pansy Somehow mama dose not like that idea one bit

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Snoozy Sunday - With B

Yup is sunny sundae and it snoozy for sure. I Love My Pitty rubs  and I going to make shure she its the sweet spots all over tummy and under that pitty

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

thow back thusday Pansy

Six mouth ago on December 10 I feel in love with this face at the time alone is a sheler a rare female ginger just what heaven has order we been though alot in six mouth and i thought about sending her back to Florida to live with Malissa alot, But i still love her and now even more  She may not be prefect she has her issue and we work on them on a daily  but i will forever love her

and here she is today.... Princess Pizza Pansy I love you

Monday, June 16, 2014

Man cat Bhaving Badly - Mr B

So last my asmath has been bad so mom dragged me to dr Stabby, When i frist got there i made nice nice to the tec till she tryed to touch me then i tryed to eat her.  Then she left and yowaled get me out of here well while i was in my crying mode I found a dog of dog treat and another jat of stuff in glass. One my favorite activies is brake the treat jar into pice by the time mama  saw what i was doing crash it went  and every came a running Mama was saying she was so sorry yup she was and  they moved me room score on B.  Then  I had to make sure they knew i owned the room so i peeed in it  right on the outlits and on the window They cleaned that up and Dr Stabby came in and first i played all nice nice then i truned on Big B Mode. I hissed and growed at dr stabby  making it very clear i did not like her and tryed to put my teeth in Dr Stabby arm  Then they put me in My PTU I dod not want to go in a PTU I am royal i hate the PTU  so i Tryed to eat  Dr Stabby Then mama got me in  
Once in My PTU Dr Stabby came over to talk to mama well she my mama and I do not want her talking to Dr Satbbby so i hised growed and made sure they knew who was Big Bad B was.

But  Being Big Bad B at the vet make me tired and I love my scarching lounge  So I came home and layed on it like nothing had ever happend and became super B againg. Mama said she was so embrassed by bing bad B she was thinking she should send a furit basket over to Dr Stabby. I was just making Dr Stabby and staff earn those green papper after all Dr Stabby not cheep   so I just gave her more Big Bad B  for that Green paper .

Saturday, June 14, 2014

rembering Mairgold

One year ago i knew i had to make the hardest choice ever to let mairgold go back to rose  I alway knew when i took the royals that it was my job to love them and then some day i would give them back to rose . Marigold was in my life for only 4 short mouths but when she got sick knowing that she would be reunited with Rose filled my heart with happens. Rose loved her more then words could say. She was crazy in love with her Royals.  One year ago I head Mairgold for the last time and told her to go find Rose,  Marigold you have left your paw prinrs on my heart I loved you only for a short time but i did love you.  I know some day i see you again and get to met Rose but intill that day comes snuggle tight with rose  ......

I never regretted taking the royals  Marigold was a speical cat  whom i was lucky to browor for a short time   What i was able to give her was peace and comfort  for that time so she did not die in a sheller and she went from the arms of someone who loved her to the arms of someone who loved her just as much ............ I

Monday, June 2, 2014

Man cat Moday

Yes so i am manly but i am also a mama boy  and a good man cat know to put love on there mama after all thats were the Nom are and I LOVE MY NOMS

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Flash bac Thusday with Mr B

Before rose and I got B he earned his name Brutitis because he would push everyoe out of the way to get food. Nothing changed 8 years latter he still has to be the frist to eat. He learned not to out do Pansy for her food or he get a smack  in the head so he bates her up with a drop of left over wet food and moves in for the eat  on her dry   8 years ;atter i am the lucy owner of B who i could not love more

Thursday, May 22, 2014

thought on thusday By mr B

Pansy Rose it my job as your big older brother to make sure you never do another walk about to ensure that i have to leep eyes on you  after all we got it good what were you thiking Panys going away for 8 days

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

And this is how I get reward

I go for a little 8 day walkabout i come home and yea i got tons of treats and cuddles but i also get rewared by going to the stabby place in a PTU I mean relly I cheeked out fine not even a flea on me

Friday, May 9, 2014

Female Fiday

Becuse i cute and who can say no to nose freckles. No other reson need now pass over the treats 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

thow back Thusady - Maxie frist night

This was maxie frist night with mama Laura amost 6 years ago it been that long he been her little lion cub ever since

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A tail of two tails on tuseday

yes this is a tail of two tails touching each other for the frist time can you guess whos these tails belong to

Monday, May 5, 2014

Man cat Monday Mr B takes charge

Yea she thought she uses these before She fed me well i had to teach her a thing or two after all we talk breaduest and it already 2. 5 seconds late

Friday, May 2, 2014

Saterday is Caterday with Maxie

Saturday  is caterday. And ecery cat should have a Budy mine just happens to be full of Nip and made by cat Daddy him self mr Jaxson Galsoxy come here mr Jaxson and get rid of pansy

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thoughs on Thusday

As some have you know it been an adjustment perido for us my brain was a little messed up it made me think i wanted the litter box 24/7 and i became very posivies of my things my toys my litter boxes my mama then i got put on some happy medsison it called proca and made me feel all happy

I was on my way back to florida or a no kill shelter but since my brain is less fussy no i no longer act like that and I made a best freind B mama said thats it i here to stay forever and ever it a good thing cuse this cute ginger girl need a home .

So now that i am here Mama did something sepical she regestered my micochip to her so if i get lost i have can be returned . So it more then just a chip it a home I love B he the best thing since cat nip he brakes into all the food and helps me get second toghter we get two dinners and we work on clicker training toghter for treats he showed me how to brake into the treat jar by knocking it off the shelf. He said hang wiff me pansy and i get you to 21 pounds in now time. so it more then a chip it a home

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Pany Talk Nurtrtion

Pansy here It is very impotent that we eat healthy to make us in the best shape we can be but you must also nip healthy. Nipping your fruirts is very impotent for good nip concmtion I take nipping very sesiously

Here i am nipping My appple yes Appples are a good nipping choice ,

Here i am demarcating proper bunny kicking of my Banna or i should say what left of my banna  Banna are a very healthy and my faviort toy to nip with I am also a great Nip teacher I have taught B a thing or toy about nip

Out of all are toys B pics the Banna good job maing heathy Nipping choices B 

So it is very importent to nip heathy and since are humans like us to be heathy instenst on catnip fruit


Monday, April 28, 2014

Friday, April 25, 2014

Pansy Has a Boy freind

Pansy Has a boy friend his name his  cross eyed gorge. They meet wiser to wisker as they shared a ride up the cost together so. Mama said they not alloud to do anything more IM till pansy is 21 mouths old she only 12 mouths now so they can get to know each other and that it,


Pasnsy and Gorgie sitttng in tree K I S S I NG

frist come love

then comhe maragie

then comes  pansy with the kitten carage
 Pansy: Ummm B  I spaded there will be no kittens here

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Why mr B is the best brother ever by Pany Rose

So Mr B loves Dry  food and Me I am a wet good type of girl I eat dry but wet is my choice So B  has listened to me he leaves me a lot of his wet food and I leave him alot of cruches. He even lets me eat it right out of his bowl some how mama lara is not for this so she sit and trys not to let it happen but it dose. PS we got the best gift today a drink well 360 B loves it I like it too

Friday, April 18, 2014

How to get two dinners By Mr B

As you heard B stands for Big and i am big on din din i never seen a din din i do not like in my world B should get two or 3 or 4 din din but then there the Bad D word that mama Laura keeps useing Dieit  , I keep telling her i going to die and she said  No B this this is good for you

So last night i came up with the plan

1. step one make sure you have Pansy in on it

2. Make pansy act lke she needs all the atteion in the world ( she good at this) then mama forgets to close of maxie room for din din

3.  while Pansy is doing this eat as fast as you can and run  under the bed wait for Maxie to do his thing

4,  wait till door is closed and Mama has pansy play time (she forget about maxie while pansy plays and i nap)

5 dueing pansy play time come out and steal maxie din din scarf it down

6.   save a small amout for the Pansy since she helped you get your second din din

7/ Act all incenent like you did nothing worng

8. Lick your chops in satifition you just got two din dins !!!!!!